Fear and Hunger (Marnie Marking)(NO SPOILERS)
Total Hours: 40.3
Fear and Hunger developed by Miro Haverinen is truly a game. After a burn out of the same style and formal of games my little greasy paws went stubbled across F&H and it caught my attention straight away! With its grueling art style and its cruel gameplay I knew I was in for a something!

The game is hard. That's a very important thing thing to take from this review. At first it might seem unfair and just a bunch of bullshit. Although after time you will start learning these small things that will elvate your gameplay. You will die a lot and with there being a minimal amount of savepoints (and save points being also a risk of death) its very frustrating. Although thats the charm with the game. It's supposed to make you think. Make you angry. Make you feel like your gonna cry, etc.

So, what made me stay? I dont know. Maybe it was the theme or the thrill I got from it. I do not like horror games in general but in this game I knew when death was coming, and I fully knew that it was my fault. This game is filled with bloody things, and disgusting sounds and it really makes it better and fits the theme of the game being cruel. The music is almost perfect with it being silent but some tracks get a bit stale after a while. Even 40hrs in I still get very uncomfortable when I listen to the saw going through someones bone as it is infected. Have a listen!! :D
The game does come with its flaws with glitches and bugs, etc. Some glitches costing you runs and it then being truly unfair as you can't really do anything about it :/ There has been modes in the community that helped with those type of annoying bugs! Personally I played the game fully without the mod patch fix but I wouldn't do the same
Overall Fear and Hunger is a game that really changed my prespective on games and it really opened up my horizons! I wouldn't reccomened the game to everyone but to the people that want a challenge its a must pick!